Colonic Hydrotherapy

Stomach Massage


Colonic Hydrotherapy or Colonic Irrigation is a very thorough cleanse of the large intestine. It involves the introduction of warm filtered water via the rectum through a speculum into the colon. The action of the water together with gentle massage techniques progressively softens faecal matter, and compacted waste. As the water exits the body through the speculum and evacuation tube, it takes with it the accumulated waste.

Having a colonic is a gentle way to help your digestive system return to its natural healthy state, by hydrating, eliminating the excess waste, improving muscle tone, encouraging better bowel function, and improving the environment for healthy levels of bacteria.

Most people enjoy the light fresh feeling, sense of well-being, and enhanced energy levels that often comes from receiving a colonic.


People choose to have colonics for varied reasons. Most of the time it is because they feel uncomfortable, sluggish, and bloated. IBS varies from one person to another, having colonics can help ease these symptoms. 

A colon that is sluggish can store up to eight pounds in waste, and make you feel extremely uncomfortable. With so much temptation around us in modern society, it can be difficult to avoid excess food, drink, and always choose the healthy option.

Our bodies are not designed to be fuelled by processed refined foods, with chemically synthesised ingredients. This can upset our digestive systems in a negative way, and cause a multitude of health issues and bowel disorders, including poor elimination, and bacterial imbalances.

Having a colonic can also be the inspiration and kickstart for choosing a healthier diet, and lifestyle.

Your first visit will involve the taking of your medical history and questions about your diet and lifestyle. The procedure is explained to you, along with information about how your digestive system functions. At this point you have plenty of opportunity to ask any questions. You will then be shown through to the bathroom, asked to empty your bladder, and put on a disposable gown.

Lying on the couch and covered by a towel, I will palpate your stomach to feel your colon. A small disposable speculum is gently inserted into your rectum whilst lying on your left side, followed by the introduction of warm filtered water. Once part of the colon has emptied, I will ask you to turn onto your back, enabling the water to move further around your colon. I may assist the loosening of impacted waste by gentle massage. 

The water and waste products then leave the colon via an illuminated viewing tube, straight into the foul waste with no unpleasant smells or mess. This process is repeated several times to give you a thorough cleanse.

I will remove the speculum and send you through to the bathroom, where you will empty any remaining water left in the colon. After freshening up in the bathroom, you will be given your aftercare plan, along with any suggested dietary changes or supplement advice.

Most people (especially men)! Worry about having the speculum inserted. Guys… It is lubricated and goes in less than two inches you really do not need to worry!

Although the treatment is painless, some may experience mild discomfort as the colon empties, like the sensation of having diarrhoea. Your colon is a muscular tube which contracts and relaxes very slowly to propel waste, this is called peristalsis. You will not feel this happening usually, however during a colonic treatment peristalsis speeds up, and so you are more aware of it.


Having your first colonic can be a daunting experience.I mean… it is not every day you let someone insert a tube up your bum and empty the entire contents of your colon through it!

You are covered via gown and blanket during your treatment.  The only time you are exposed is whilst I insert the speculum which takes 10 seconds! Try to remember, I have seen thousands of bums, big bums… little bums… squishy bums…. it is just your bum we have all got one!

Most people feel nervous. However, it is my job to take the embarrassment out of it and make it as relaxing as possible. So lay back, relax, and watch your poo float bye in amazement!

This depends on your symptoms, and my observations during your colonic treatment. Most of the time one colonic is sufficient to completely empty your colon, allowing the muscle to regain good peristalsis, and remove excess waste and mucus.

I advise my clients to listen to their bodies and have a colonic when you start to notice negative changes i.e., the bowel becomes more sluggish, incomplete bowel movements, you start to feel more bloating, cramping, or IBS symptoms. This will vary from one person to another.

Yes, you can. Having a tampon inserted does not interfere with the treatment at all. When you start your period, your muscles relax making the colonic easier in some ways. That is why you generally have a good poo the day you start your period!

You can resume normal daily activities upon leaving the clinic. You may notice the increased need to urinate for a short while after your treatment, this is because the colon absorbs lots of water during the treatment, which filters into the bladder. Most people will not have any side effects and feel fantastic.

It could take a few days before you have another bowel movement, this depends how quick your transit time is. Most people find it resumes within a few days. Most people enjoy the light fresh feeling sense of and enhanced energy levels that often comes from receiving a colonic.

I use a modern closed system machine. The water is warmed via a preheater and filtered. Adjustable temperature controls and pressure gauges enable me to give a very controlled monitored treatment. The machine has an illuminated viewing tube, making it easy to identify the waist. I use disposable specula and hospital improved disinfectant solutions.

No, please continue to eat and drink as usual prior to your appointment.

No, everything you need is provided for you.

You may experience the increased need to urinate for a couple of hours after receiving a colonic, due to the absorption of water during your treatment.

It may take a few days before you have a bowel movement, this depends on how quick your transit time is through your large intestine. Some people will go the next day, others a few days later.

During your colonic lots of bowel bacteria is flushed out along with the waste. These bacteria will proliferate back to strength within 24 to 48 hours. The best way to encourage this is by eating a diet rich in healthy plant fibres, as this will aid bacterial regrowth and help you with your bowel movements.

If you had a coffee enema with your treatment, you may experience increased mental clarity and feel energised even a little jittery. This side effect will pass within a couple of hours. Any additional advice and recommendations are given to you before you leave the clinic.


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Colon Spasticity

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Skin Problems

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Fungal Infections

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Intestinal Candida

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Dysbiosis (SIBO)

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Bad Breath

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Leaky Gut

Colon Hydrotherapy can aid:

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Cleansing regimes

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Liver flushes

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Weight loss programmes


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Skin Problems

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Fungal Infections

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Bad Breath

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Colon Spasticity

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Dysbiosis (SIBO)

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Intestinal Candida

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Leaky Gut

Colon Hydrotherapy can aid:

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Cleansing regimes

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Liver flushes

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Weight loss programmes